Welcome to our Community Involvement page.!!
Charles Burton and i.g Burton & Company, Inc. were named Small Business Person and Corporation of the year 2014 by the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce.

Congratulations to the First State Phitins!! They took 1st place out of 16 teams at the Sports at the Beach tournament! We are proud to be a sponsor for these young men. Great job!

This is a picture of Lydiabelle Toadvine. I.G. Burton sold her a car (he sold her all the cars she ever bought) in 1962. That was 50 years after Fred H. Burton has sold her her first car and taught her to drive in Millsboro in 1912.

i.g. Burton and Company, Inc. was awarded Milford Chamber of Commerce Large Corporation of the Year!!

i.g. Burton & Company is continuing its commitment to our local Boys and Girls Club by donating $2,500 to the organization's Capital Campaign. Pictured here (L-R): Tod Van Eyken, Executive Director of the Greater Milford Boys and Girls Club; Linda Chick, Chair of the Boys and Girls Club Annual Fund for Kids; Charlie Burton, owner/president; and Pete Renzi, director of operations.
Visit www.bgclubs.org to find out how you can help, too!

The i.g.Burton team had a blast at the March 2013 Boys and Girls Club Bowl-a-Thon! Events such as this aren't just a ton of fun-- they also help support the thousands of youth who are served by the Boys and Girls Club all over Delaware. Can't wait for the next one!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to another successful Toys for Tots toy drive! i.g. Burton & Company is lucky to be a part of such an incredible community whose generosity is going to make a huge difference to countless children this Christmas. Visit www.toysfortots.org for more information on the program

i.g. Burton has committed to donating $25,000 in scholarship funds over 5 years to the University of Delaware, all of which will go to students from Kent and Sussex Counties. Thanks to Dr. Mark Rieger, Dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, seen here with owner/president Charlie Burton, and Dan Sarkissian, Director of Development for their visit--and for bringing some delicious UDairy Creamery ice cream with them!

i.g. Burton was excited to sponsor the 2012 Smile for Freedom 5K Run/3K Walk in Milford, and here, Director of Operations Pete Renzi (back, 2nd from left), Owner/President Charlie Burton (back, 2nd from right), and BMW Service Manager Lisa DiVincenzo (back, far right) joined the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Milford to present funds raised at the event to the American Cancer Society.

As a participating dealership in the Chevrolet Youth Soccer Program, i.g. Burton Chevy Milford was given the opportunity to help out all of the Milford Parks & Rec youth soccer teams above-- Brasil, Crew, DC United, Dynamo, Earthquakes, FC Dallas, Galaxy, Germany, Netherlands, Red Bull, Revolution, Sounders, Spain, Sporting KC, Toronto FC and Whitecaps-- by providing brand new equipment for their players.

i.g. Burton Chevrolet of Seaford continues to celebrate its grand re-opening event. In August 2012, the dealership completed a full renovation to help provide i.g. Burton customers with the best, most up-to-date facility and technology to make the car buying process at i.g. Burton even better. In the photo above, owner/president Charlie Burton (center) cuts the ribbon on the new facility, kicking off the grand re-opening event.

i.g. Burton & Co. is proud to sponsor the Delaware Food Bank. Owner/president Charlie Burton (third from left) was there, shovel in hand, to help break ground at the DFB's Milford location which will be home to an expanded facility that will house an industrial kitchen for The Culinary School and for providing meals to kids in after school programs.

Congratulations to Richard L. Merrill of Wilmington, winner of i.g. Burton and Delaware Today's 2012 Best of Delaware BMW raffle! Mr. Merrill is now the proud owner of a new 2012 BMW 1 Series 128i, courtesy of i.g. Burton BMW. Pictured above, Mr. Merrill (center) is awarded his prize by (L-R) Kurt Retzlaff, BMW General Sales Manager, Charlie Burton, Owner/President of i.g. Burton & Co., Lisa DiVincenzo, BMW Service Manager, George Schifferer, i.g. Burton Director of Service and Parts, and MJ Lofland, i.g. Burton Director of Sales and Finance. Funds raised by the car raffle will benefit the 2012 Best of Delaware Party beneficiaries, including Delaware Guidance Services for Children & Youth, Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Council, and Nemours.

i.g. Burton Chevy Seaford proudly announces its support of the Nanticoke Youth Soccer Association, furthering the company's involvement with the Chevrolet Youth Soccer Program. Here, Owner/President Charlie Burton and i.g. Burton Chevy Seaford General Sales Manager Wayne Weir, along with the entire Chevy Seaford staff, present Nanticoke Youth Soccer's Tammi Mullin and Beth Griner with new equipment for their players.

i.g. Burton Chevy Milford is proud to sponsor the Milford Parks & Recreation Youth Soccer Program. Our Chevy Milford team has partnered with Coach Keith Short and his youth soccer teams as a participating dealership in the Chevrolet Youth Soccer Program which is committed to supporting youth sports in local communities across the country.

For the third year in a row, you are welcome to discover some of Delaware's greatest breweries, wineries, eateries and artisans at the Delaware Wine and Beer Festival, an afternoon of fantastic drinks, treats, artwork and crafts, all made right here in the First State. i.g. Burton & Company is excited to announce that is has been named the Official Auto Dealer of the Delaware Wine and Beer Festival. The great taste of the festival's delicacies is the perfect match to the impeccable quality of i.g. Burton’s Mercedes-Benz and BMW luxury brands. So join i.g. Burton & Company, Kent County Tourism and all the excellent vendors at the Third Annual Delaware Wine and Beer Festival, October 21, 2012 from 12pm-5pm at the Delaware Agricultural Museum and Village in Dover, DE! Advanced sampling tickets cost $25, sampling tickets at the door cost $35. Non-drinker tickets (for designated drivers) cost $10, and children under 12 get in free. Advanced tickets on sale from now until October 15, 2012 at http://2012delawarewineandbeerfestival.eventbrite.com/. For more info, contact Kent County Tourism at (302) 734-4888 or visit http://www.visitdover.com/winebeerfestival/

Thank you to all of our customers and employees who brought toys in for Toys for Tots. This is a great program. The amount of toys collected this year was incredible. With times being as they are your donations will go a long way to make some kids who probably would not have had Christmas gifts very happy. We had collection spots at Milford and Seaford Chevy, CDJ and BMW stores. If you would like more information on Marine Corp Toys for Tots program, visit http://www.toysfortots.org

The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Milford, along with the 2011 5K committee, recently presented the American Cancer Society with a $2,000 donation check from monies raised from the 2nd Annual Smile for Freedom 5K Run/Walk that kicked off the Riverwalk Freedom Festival. The monies donated will go toward the Milford Relay for Life and the Making Strides programs. For more information about the American Cancer Society call 800-937-9696 or visit http://www.cancer.org/. For more information about the Chamber of Commerce for Greater Milford, call 302-422-3344, or visit http://www.milfordchamber.com/ or Facebook. Shown are (l-r) Riverwalk Freedom Festival Chair Angela Dorey of Dorey Insurance & Financial Services, Laurie Cale of WSFS Bank, David Sauls, Brian Warnock of WSFS Bank, Bobbi Pavlak of Extreme Total Fitness, Lisa DiVincenzo of i.g. Burton BMW, and Sarah Fox of the American Cancer Society.

We would like to thank the University of Delaware and Dr. Linda Hopkins of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources for the ice cream from the UDairy Creamery. i.g. Burton and Company pledged a commitment of $25,000 for scholarship programs at the University of Delaware for downstate students. Courtney Dressler of Milford was this year’s recipient. For information on University of Delaware scholarships, contact the admissions office of UD. For more information on ice cream and the UDairy Creamery, visit: http://ag.udel.edu/creamery

The National Automobile Dealer Association (NADA) awarded Charles Burton President of i.g.Burton & Company with the prestigious NADA Century Award for over a 100 years of superior service in Milford and Seaford.

Winners (i.g.Burton Chevrolet of Milford) of the 2011 Trike Race at the Milford Hospital Fair!

Governor Jack Markell has proclaimed the week of June 6 as Automotive Service Professionals Week. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank all the service professionals on our staff. These professionals help to ensure the success of our business.

Craig Crouch, KSI CEO, (far right) accepts a donation from i.g. Burton & Company representatives George Schifferer, Pete Renzi, and MJ Lofland. KSI and i.g. Burton & Company have been partners in transportation for many years. They have worked together in providing safe and dependable vehicles for KSI's fleet. This donation will further enable KSI to provide the services necessary to help people with disabilities gain meaningful employment. KSI is a not for profit agency, providing vocational training and employment services to individuals with disabilities throughout Kent and Sussex Counties. KSI is committed to making all reasonable accommodations in order to ensure that our programs and services are as accessible as possible to as many people as possible. To learn more about KSI visit their web page at www.ksiinc.org or call Alicia Hollis, Director of Community Relations, at (302) 422-4014 ext. 3015 to schedule a tour.

i.g. Burton & Company would like to congratulate all four techs who won Race 1 of the MPI REV IT UP competition for their respective stores. Shannon Legg (Chevrolet Tech), Doug Morgan (Chrysler Tech) won the internal i.g. Burton completion while eating a sandwich. Mike Millman (Mercedes-Benz Tech) and Justin Schoreder (BMW Tech) also competed. This competition continued in Clarksville, MD with Race 2. All four technicians shined and were all top runners in the competition. However there could only be one winner! Congratulations to Shannon Legg! Shannon will now move on to the Regional Qualifiers with a chance to go to Vegas for the finals.

i.g. Burton & Company would like to congratulate all four techs who won Race 1 of the MPI REV IT UP competition for their respective stores. Shannon Legg (Chevrolet Tech), Doug Morgan (Chrysler Tech) won the internal i.g. Burton completion while eating a sandwich. Mike Millman (Mercedes-Benz Tech) and Justin Schoreder (BMW Tech) also competed. This competition continued in Clarksville, MD with Race 2. All four technicians shined and were all top runners in the competition. However there could only be one winner! Congratulations to Shannon Legg! Shannon will now move on to the Regional Qualifiers with a chance to go to Vegas for the finals.

i.g.Burton and Company Donated a Life Ring to Carlisle Fire Company for the Milford Riverwalk